deep learning, lung nodule classification, finetuning technique, feature selection
Among most popular feature extractors, pretrained deep neural networks play a central role in transfer learning to extract high-level feature on small datasets. The transferable performance, however, cannot be guaranteed for the task of interest. To enhance the transferability, this paper employs fine-tuning and feature selection in a different way to improve the accuracy of lung nodule classification. The fine-tuning technique retrains the neural network using lung nodule dataset, while feature selection captures a useful subset of features for lung nodule classification. Preliminary experimental results on CT images from Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative (LIDC-IDRI) confirm that the classification accuracy on lung nodule can be significantly improved via finetuning and feature selection. Furthermore, the results outperform competitively handcrafted texture descriptors.
- Hongming Shan
- Fudan University
- Ge Wang
- Biomedical Imaging Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Mannudeep K. Kalra
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Rodrigo Canellas de Souza
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Junping Zhang
- Fudan University
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