CT, computed tomography, deep learning, metal artifacts, MAR, missing data estimation, Sinogram completion, Sinogram interpolation
Metal artifact reduction (MAR) remains a hard problem with remaining limitations in image quality after more than three decades of study. Recent successes in deep learning achieve state-of-the-art performance for a range of extremely difficult and complex problems. In this work an application of deep learning to the problem of metal artifact reduction via estimation of missing data in the sinogram domain is investigated. Initial results obtained with projection data simulated from simple geometric objects show promising improvements in the quality of the estimated data in the sinogram, which is visually clearly superior to a linear interpolation approach. This improvement also translates into reduced streaking and banding artifacts in the corresponding reconstructed images. These encouraging results clearly demonstrate the potential of dee p learning for addressing MAR and similar missing data problems
- Bernhard E. H. Claus
- General Electric Global Research Center
- Yannan Jin
- General Electric Global Research Center
- Lars A.Gjesteby
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
- Ge Wang
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
- Bruno De Man
- General Electric Global Research Center
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