computed tomography (CT), Bayesian approach, hierarchical model, generalized Student-t distribution, joint maximum a posterior (JMAP)
In this paper, we consider the 3D X-ray CT reconstruction problem by using the Bayesian approach with a hierarchical prior model. A generalized Student-t distributed prior model is used to enforce the sparse structure of the multilevel Haar Transformation of the image. Comparisons with some state of the art methods are presented, showing that the proposed method gives more accurate reconstruction results and a faster convergence. Simulation results are also provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical model for a reconstruction with more limited projections.
- Li Wang
- Laboratoire des signaux et systemes (L2S) - CentraleSupelec
- Ali Mohammad-Djafari
- CNRS, Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes
- Nicolas Gac
- Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes
- Mircea Dumitru
- Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes
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